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Three French Bullgod Puppies



Both the "FURRY FRIEND PROFILE" & "WETFUR AGGREMENT" forms must be completed prior reservations being confirmed. 


*If your furry friend requires medication, then a 3rd form "MEDICATION REQUIREMENTS" will need to me filled out as well.

Forms: List

Furry Friend Profile

This form is a brief questionnaire/profile for your furry friend. Please fill this out and return to WetFur before booking a reservation, it will help us in determining how good of a fit your friend will be with other guests at the home.   

WetFur Aggreement

This is the aggreement document between the guest/WetFur and is our relaease of liability. (REQUIRED)

Medication Requirements

ONLY complete this form if your guest requires medication distributed during their stay at WetFur  (AS NEEDED)

Subscribe Form

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